Admissions Policies
The HU’s academic programs and facilities are open to students of all Christian denominations who meet the standard requirements for admission. The HU desires only qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus Christ. However, HU does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, or any other programs and activities. The following documents must be included in the application process.
The application form
A non-refundable application fee($100.00)
Three letters of recommendation
A statement of the applicant’s Christian faith
One recent photograph
Official transcripts from all schools attended including high-school.
The application form and other forms can be obtained from the admission office, requested by either phone or mail. The mailing address and phone/fax numbers are:
Hayfield University
450 W Holt Ave, Pomona, CA 91768 T. 909.671.4466.
Personal Interview
Each applicant is required to have a personal interview with a team of faculty members. All applicants will be notified of the time for this interview.
Spiritual Requirements
University is to prepare and equip men and women to be Christian leaders; it is committed to the Bible as God’s Word and to the confessions and confirms the fact that they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior. Primary requirements of the university are the applicant’s personal qualifications, spiritual development and preparation of ordained ministers of the Christian Ministry. The University requires confidential references from a Minister and purpose for wanting to attend HU. God’s mission
through the church also obliges the university to prepare persons for other types of ministry. HU provides specialized training in such areas as youth ministries, missions and evangelism, church education, diaconal ministries, and pastoral care and counseling.
Health Insurance
Every student must have some form of health insurance to be allowed to register. All full-time degree students (8 units or more for graduate students; 12 units or more for all others) are required to have health insurance. Bring proof of insurance to registration. All students are strongly urged to enroll all dependents. International students are required to enroll ALL dependents accompanying them to the United States. ALL international students are required to have proof of insurance, regardless of number of units or degree status.
Equal Opportunity
HU seeks a diverse student body. All applicants receive consideration for admissions regardless of race, color, age, sex, physical condition, or national origin.
Application Deadlines
The deadline for fall semester application is approximately August 20, and for spring semester approximately January 20, each year. For foreign students, it is approximately July 20 and approximately December 20 respectively. Check the schedule for exact dates.
Foreign Students and Visas
At the moment HU is authorized by the U.S. Government to issue the I-20 form for visas from foreign countries. As soon as it is approved by the State in the near future, it will be authorized to do so.
Admissions Tests
HU employs Composition and Bible tests in its admissions process. All undergraduate applicants must take an admission test as part of the entrance process. There is a Composition Test and a Bible Admissions Test. The Composition Test is used to evaluate the ability of students for advanced academic study and writing. The minimum passing score is a “C+.” The Bible Admissions Test is used to evaluate the ability of students for academic study. The minimum passing score is a “C+.” The results of tests can apply to the awarding of academic scholarships if the applicant proves worthy.
Admissions Procedure
After the Admission Director reviews the documents and confirms the completion of each applicant’s file, the director will notify the applicant to take the appropriate tests. Each applicant is required to have a personal interview with a team of faculty members. Each student is required to show proof of health insurance. The admissions committee finalizes the admission based on the following criteria:
A sense of calling from God for Christian ministry
Regeneration experience and baptism with water
Active and fruitful church participation
Acceptable test results
Evaluation from interview
The applicant will be officially notified either by phone or mail, and the admitted students will receive registration information and forms from the school.
As part of its admissions process, Hayfield University accepts transfer credits from other institutions. However, the credit must be from a college that is approved by the Council of Private Post secondary Vocational Education or accredited by an accrediting association that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. If a degree student wants to transfer credit from another postsecondary school to HU, an official transcript stating the course(s) and grade(s) must be submitted to the Director of Admissions prior to beginning courses. For undergraduate degree students, the maximum amount of transfer credit from another approved or accredited institution shall be 94 semester units or its equivalent. For master degree students, the maximum amount of transfer credit from another approved or accredited institution shall be six semester units or its equivalent. The transcripts from foreign educational institutions can be confirmed by letter. HU can ask to evaluate the schools in foreign countries through the American Council for Education.
Prior Experiential Learning
Maximum Credit Limits:
Of the first 60 semester units awarded a student in an undergraduate program, no more than15 semester units may be awarded for prior experiential learning.
Of the second 60 semester units (i.e., units 61 to 120) awarded a student in an undergraduate program, no more than 15 semester units may be awarded for prior experiential learning.
Of the first 30 semester units awarded a student in a graduate program, no more than 6semester units may be awarded for prior experiential learning.
Of the second 30 semester units (i.e., units 31 to 60) awarded a student in a graduate program,no more than 3 semester units may be awarded for prior experiential learning
No credit for experiential learning may be awarded after a student has obtained 60 semester units in a graduate program. Also, no credit will be awarded for the doctoral program.
Qualifying the Experience
Credit for Prior Experiential Learning shall only be granted by the Dean of Academic Affairs upon the written recommendation of a faculty member and may grant such credit only if all of the following conditions apply:
The prior learning is equivalent to a University or university level of learning.
The learning experience demonstrates a balance between theory and practice
The credit awarded for the prior learning experience directly relates to the student's degree program and is applied in satisfaction of some of the degree requirements.
The student has documented each University or university level learning experience for which credit is sought in writing.
In evaluating prior experiential learning, Hayfield University staff may factor in the assessment of certain external organizations based on published guidelines.
HU relies on internal evaluations of credit from foreign institutions of higher education.
Challenge Exams
Students who have been admitted to HU in selected programs may take an exam to “challenge” a course in the curriculum, if an exam exists for the course, and thereby receive credit for the course. Typically, the challenge exam for a course will be an exam similar but different from the course’s final exam that is designed and administered by a faculty member teaching that course. The student must pass the challenge exam by the Grade Point Average of C (70%) and above in order to receive credit for the course. There are limits as to the amount of credit a student can earn through challenge exams. For undergraduates, no more than 25 percent, or 30 semester units, of the bachelor’s curriculum can be challenged. For the 96-unit Master of Divinity students, the limit is 9 semester units and other restrictions apply. The course taken by challenge exam can be counted as one of the courses normally taken in the school semester. The transcript of any student successfully challenging a course will list the course, the exam grade as the final grade, and will carry a designation that the course was met through challenge. Any student wishing to challenge a course must apply in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs and list the course they would like to challenge, the preferred date, and the amount of credit they wish to receive if they successfully challenge the exam. A non-refundable $50 challenge exam fee must be paid at the time the challenge exam is taken.
Any student who either canceled or was canceled from the enrollment must re-apply for re-admission. The Admissions Committee will review the re-application and decide on it.